Comments on: Canada Sucks, Car Imports. Of, relating to, or manifesting the view that there is no order or value in human life or in the universe. Tue, 09 Nov 2010 21:23:35 -0500 hourly 1 By: Obbop Obbop Mon, 18 Jan 2010 16:59:10 +0000 Many statutes, laws, regulations, etc. are intended to provide a method for a small percentage of the population to "skim" wealth from the masses. Those skimming wealth from the top of the pile are the "elite class." Those that create the wealth via labor or other methods provide for a generous life-style for those at the apex of the socio-economic pyramid. As far as I can determine virtually every human social organization operates in this manner; the few at the top and the many at the bottom. Even religious organizations operate this way. Remove the un-needed skim and those actually producing the wealth would keep more of it and by allowing reduced priced for many (most?) goods and services would enhance the common folk's life-styles. Many goods and services are artificially more expensive due to the skim being in place. The "skim" can be appropriate when taxes are involved that allow the collective group to perform services that benefit all to many of the citizenry such as road building, etc. Sadly, too much of the "skim" is diverted to individuals or very small groups or organized BIG business typically corporations that use their amassed wealth to provide wonderful high-paying jobs to politicians leaving office. No bribes or promises need to be made. It is an entrenched system with the non-spelled-out rules known to all engaged in the "game" ensuring the politicians support the ongoing skim and do not allow any meaningful changes to harm the skimming of wealth from the commoners. Many statutes, laws, regulations, etc. are intended to provide a method for a small percentage of the population to “skim” wealth from the masses.

Those skimming wealth from the top of the pile are the “elite class.”

Those that create the wealth via labor or other methods provide for a generous life-style for those at the apex of the socio-economic pyramid.

As far as I can determine virtually every human social organization operates in this manner; the few at the top and the many at the bottom.

Even religious organizations operate this way.

Remove the un-needed skim and those actually producing the wealth would keep more of it and by allowing reduced priced for many (most?) goods and services would enhance the common folk’s life-styles.

Many goods and services are artificially more expensive due to the skim being in place.

The “skim” can be appropriate when taxes are involved that allow the collective group to perform services that benefit all to many of the citizenry such as road building, etc.

Sadly, too much of the “skim” is diverted to individuals or very small groups or organized BIG business typically corporations that use their amassed wealth to provide wonderful high-paying jobs to politicians leaving office.

No bribes or promises need to be made. It is an entrenched system with the non-spelled-out rules known to all engaged in the “game” ensuring the politicians support the ongoing skim and do not allow any meaningful changes to harm the skimming of wealth from the commoners.
