Comments on: Pictou County Of, relating to, or manifesting the view that there is no order or value in human life or in the universe. Tue, 09 Nov 2010 21:23:35 -0500 hourly 1 By: EPGrad EPGrad Tue, 09 Nov 2010 21:23:35 +0000 The car works (Hawker Siddeley, Lavalin, Greenbrier, Trenton Works) has left its mark on PC too....don't forget that place just because it hasn't been functioning for a few years. At least NS has an amazing recycling and composting program, I live in BC and we can't seem to get it together here. The car works (Hawker Siddeley, Lavalin, Greenbrier, Trenton Works) has left its mark on PC too….don’t forget that place just because it hasn’t been functioning for a few years.

At least NS has an amazing recycling and composting program, I live in BC and we can’t seem to get it together here.

By: Onlooker Onlooker Sat, 23 Oct 2010 03:03:12 +0000 I'm all for it, but when most of the town(s) population are employed by the same companies(often government owned or landed(incentives)) the 'people' want money more than less risk of cancer and or clear air. Australia is where my heart is, if only you didn't need a wife or 100k-750k to stay there. $200 an acre land can still be purchased in Nova Scotia. More privately owned land here than anywhere in the world. It was a 'bribe to settle the 'new world'. That is mostly why land in Australia, British Columbia and elsewhere is so expensive, the "State/people" own it and only sell it in select blocks for high profit. just as much land and similar per-capita on Vancouver Island but you can't find 1/4 acre lot there for $25000.. Can purchase 100+ acre wood lots in Nova Scotia for that. I’m all for it, but when most of the town(s) population are employed by the same companies(often government owned or landed(incentives)) the ‘people’ want money more than less risk of cancer and or clear air. Australia is where my heart is, if only you didn’t need a wife or 100k-750k to stay there.

$200 an acre land can still be purchased in Nova Scotia. More privately owned land here than anywhere in the world. It was a ‘bribe to settle the ‘new world’. That is mostly why land in Australia, British Columbia and elsewhere is so expensive, the “State/people” own it and only sell it in select blocks for high profit. just as much land and similar per-capita on Vancouver Island but you can’t find 1/4 acre lot there for $25000.. Can purchase 100+ acre wood lots in Nova Scotia for that.

By: Josi Josi Fri, 15 Oct 2010 08:14:43 +0000 Why dont you people et together and force the polluter to do what we have done in Europe: clear the water and the air. It is possible, otherwise we Europeans would not have a chance to grow-up. Why dont you people et together and force the polluter to do what we have done in Europe: clear the water and the air. It is possible, otherwise we Europeans would not have a chance to grow-up.

By: Josi Josi Fri, 15 Oct 2010 08:10:56 +0000 how can anyone, who lives in Nova Scotia print such an article? I overlived in Germany the war, the most indstrialized country in the world. Instead of writing an article like this you should put your energy into organizing a platform to clear the water and the air, which come out of the factories as we have done in Europe. By the way, do you know that Nova Scotia ist as large as Germany and has less than 1 Million people, in Germany you have over 80 Million. Little air for them? how can anyone, who lives in Nova Scotia print such an article? I overlived in Germany the war, the most indstrialized country in the world. Instead of writing an article like this you should put your energy into organizing a platform to clear the water and the air, which come out of the factories as we have done in Europe. By the way, do you know that Nova Scotia ist as large as Germany and has less than 1 Million people, in Germany you have over 80 Million. Little air for them?
