Lobster, an insect of the sea.

Posted on December 27, 2008 by Onlooker.
Categories: Neutral.

lobster4There is apparently a recession happening now, thankfully no-one I know seems to be feeling any ill effects. The lobster fisherman are ‘up in arms’ about the low prices they are getting for their catch. The quote is, Lobster is a luxury food and no one is buying luxury right now. The media is largely reporting that, at the current price of lobster, it is no longer a luxury food and it’s even cheaper than beef! It annoyed me how many times the media made the “cheaper than beef” quote, so I thought I’d collect some numbers myself(That’s the only reason! (grin)).

This year, lobster was said to have dropped as low as $2 USD a pound in Maine, but Nova Scotia’s catch has been $3.50lb off the boat(for wholesale purchasers, $5.98 for the rest of us).

I often thought lobster weighed less after cooking, this appears to be untrue.
Raw Weight 2.026kg ( $26.93 )
Cooked Weight on home scale in 4 plastic bags: 2.062kg

Figure the extra weight is some of the water used in cooking, and the bags.

Our Empty Plate weighs: 287 grams (0.287 kg, 0.633lb)
Cooked Lobster(minus plate): 539 grams (1.19lb)

lobster1 lobster2lobster3lobster5

Most people who eat lobster only eat the front claws/arms and tail, the rest of the meat found in the legs, inside body, and tail-end is generally not worth the effort to extract, and if one did, it wouldn’t equal 1 quarter the meat found in 1 claw.

Weight of meat from Tail and front claws/arms(minus plate): 152 grams(0.335 lb)


So in this case, 28%((152 * 100) / 539) of the lobster is consumed meat.
Meaning 1lb(0.454kg) of lobster is 0.28lb of meat putting the price per pound of meat at approximately ((0.454 / 0.127) * 3.50) $12.51 for fisherman, and $21.38/lb for us grocery store shoppers.

Making Lobster, even today, more costly than the most expensive(and delicious) cut of Beef Tenderloin ($17/lb). Enjoy the luxury!

WordPress Exploited…

Posted on December 17, 2008 by Onlooker.
Categories: negative.

Nose2Wordpress seemed pretty simple, and it was popular, so when I wanted something quick and dirty to post information for reference, it seemed like it might have been the way to go… It was exploited and some viagra pushing script or kid got into it… Apparently passwords were taken and any new posts would contain pages worth of urls to try and generate fraud of some type…

I had scrapped the whole thing/site, but after figuring I really didn’t want to write my own custom blog software(too much like work), I am now attempting to restore with the latest version of wordpress in hopes the doors are closed. We will see…