Energy Use

Just a random collection of power usage of items I’ve tested.

Hotpoint Washer VBSR3100G0WW Small/Full Load virtually identical in power… 0.08KWh ; Standby power 8Watts, Peak Watts: 259 ; Spin/Wash cycle ~150 Watts. NOTE: 8 Watt standby means it’s wasting 0.192 KWh a day doing nothing! or the equivalent of over 2 washes worth of power a day but nothing gets clean! Unplug this beast when not in use.

Black & Decker Bread Maker, #4 Bread 1.5lb light crust 0.25KWh; Max: 535 Watts

Magnavox Nov 1990 25″(actual) TV: 4watts idle/off, 80 watts muted, 98 watts/w audio.

Carbon Monoxide Detector 0.30kwh after 27.51hrs

Honeywell Enviracaire 50101 True HEPA Air Purifier: Ran for 38hr 10min: 2.48KWh ; ie: 596KWh year

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