Population Control – It’s a good thing.

Posted on May 24, 2008 by Onlooker.
Categories: Positive, negative.

wfp.gifNorth American population would not be expanding if it were not for immigrants. With the human population expanding out of control world wide, won’t one of the best resources in the future be a low population? This would allow for greater exports of virtually anything else, while securing a healthy and wealthy domestic population?

It seems to me feeding the starving is a big mistake, and should NOT be done without at least a trade off of sterility. To most this may sound terrible, but think about it, by feeding the starving(who are often uneducated, and poor) they continue to reproduce only creating additional mouths to feed and additional drain on the region. When you do feed a starving person, you are saving their life, a life that would be ended anyway from natural causes. I suggest it be an open trade, “we will save your life, provided you agree to sterilization and education”(& That they agree to help their countrymen).

We then would help secure a workforce obligated to learn, and teach their native population to look after themselves(Sustainable farming, water management, education).

One theory as to why first world countries choose to not have as many kids as others is education; Knowing what and how to prevent children, the effects of kids on personal finances, and separation of church and state.

Thinking of having kids? Ref. Ref.

Bagna Cauda – Recipe – First try

Posted on May 13, 2008 by Onlooker.
Categories: Positive.

I first heard about this ‘dish/meal’ through a comic stretch on Babylon 5 TV Series. It just looked like they were enjoying it sooo much, I remembered the name. Years later I started looking it up on the net, and while it is a very basic hot dip, there is no set recipe. Some dishes call for 1/4 cup butter, 1 cup olive oil, some 1 cup butter 1/4 cup olive oil, and variations including cream(Most reviewers don’t recommend the cream version).

So based on no standard recipe, I took what reviewers said and settled on:

1/4 Cup Butter (62.5ml)
1/2 Cup Extra-virgin olive oil (125ml)
2 Cloves Garlic
1/4 Tin Anchovies (12g)

Heat Oil and Butter, add garlic and anchovies and stir over low heat until Anchovies dissipate and ideally just before garlic browns(Although many recommend browned garlic).

Red/Green Peppers, Mushrooms(very nice), Carrots(nice), zucchini(nice), green beans

Result? It was a very mild sauce, but there were some ‘hints’ of deliciousness, next time more garlic and more Anchovies(and I’m no! anchovy fan). Some shrimp and beef tenderloin strips might be good dipped in this sauce.


MMMmmm good.

Posted on May 11, 2008 by Onlooker.
Categories: Positive.

BreakfastI was so happy with my breakfast this morning, I had to take a picture. Notice the ‘feet up on the heater’, ahhh.
Unplanned, I just noticed a leftover tomato, last of some lunch meat, and last piece of home made bread; threw it all together in 10 minutes.

Scrambled eggs with salt and white pepper
Sliced Ham ; Nuked
Mild Cheddar cheese

* The camera just happened to be beside me.